Roger L. Johnson Named Outstanding Affiliate of the Year by NBA

HM&B Law salutes the work of our own Roger L. Johnson, Esq. who has had a busy and productive summer working with the National Bar Association (NBA). Roger is the Immediate Past President of the Virgil Hawkins Florida Chapter National Bar Association. His Chapter was named the “Outstanding Affiliate of the Year” during the Bar’s 99th Annual Convention held in Las Vegas. He was also honored with the Brandes S.G.Ash/Toya Carmichael Leadership Award given to an NBA affiliate president or section/division leader. In addition, Roger was elected to serve as the Director of Region XI (Florida, Georgia and Alabama) for the 2024-2025 year, an office which comes with a seat on the Board of Governors. We are proud of his accomplishments and look forward to more of his outstanding leadership in the future.