Charles A. Madison is a partner in the firm’s Miami office. He is a trial lawyer who specializes in commercial litigation, insurance, medical malpractice and personal injury. With many years of experience, Charles is a dedicated attorney known for his tenacity and effectiveness in defending claims. His background includes a long and accomplished practice with numerous trials in tort, commercial and insurance law. And he has held a long-term position in the legal department of one of Florida’s largest energy corporations, managing all litigation.
Charles earned his B.A. and his J.D. degrees from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Throughout his life, he has demonstrated an exceptional passion for numerous and varied community organizations and issues.
His volunteer work has included many years of selfless devotion to dozens of multi -city organizations in Florida and North Carolina. Charles has organized and led projects dedicated to municipal revitalization, college expansion, park restorations, crime prevention, and neighborhood beautification.
Commercial Litigation
Medical Malpractice
Personal Injury
J.D., University of North Carolina School of Law – Chapel Hill
B.A., Dean’s List, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
National Institute for Trial Advocacy, Deposition Skills, Trial Skills
Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Excellence in Aesthetics and Visual Quality 2004 – Award in recognition of 6 years of leadership on the Raleigh Appearance Commission, advocating for visionary growth and development, stewarding the City toward becoming a better version of itself, during the critical period when Raleigh doubled in size and transformed itself into a singular economic engine, becoming one of the fastest-growing cities in the country, gaining number-one rankings in virtually every survey of quality of life and business climate in the nation, and, as of 2015, second only to Silicon Valley as home to software and high technology companies.
Fred Fletcher Outstanding Volunteer Award 2001 – Award for Outstanding Park Volunteer (for work on design and implementation of the Park Redevelopment Plan for the Edna Metz Wells Park in the Cameron Park Neighborhood), given by the City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation & Greenway Advisory Board.
Alumni Recognition Award 2003 – Awarded by Alpha Sigma of Chi Psi local chapter and by the national organization of the Chi Psi Fraternity in recognition of more than 20 years of service to the local and national fraternity.
Chapter Excellence Awards 2001 and 2004 – Award for Outstanding Building Corporation Officer (for work on renovation of building and grounds and maintenance of the Chi Psi Lodge), given by the Office of Greek Affairs, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Legal Issues – Maintaining the Privilege in the Corporate Environment; Legal Pitfalls in Contract Administration; Risk Management for Hospitals and Physicians – How Not to Get Sued; Risk Management for Dental Practitioners; Mental Health Medical Negligence Trial Practice; Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation; Emotional Distress and Psychological Damages; Bad Faith Law; Personal, Business and Professional Liability Insurance; and Uninsured Motorist Coverage.
Metropolitan Growth and Development Issues – Community Appearance; How Good City Planning Can Mitigate the Emerging Environmental Crisis in Southern Cities; Urban Design Guidelines and Form-Based Codes – How to Promote Appropriate Development in the City; and Building with Trees for Improved Aesthetics, Property Value, and Environment.
Keynote Speaker, Delivering My “Apology” to the Defense Bar for the Biggest Trial Loss of the Year (a $7.2 Million adverse verdict in Mecklenburg County Superior Court, received February 2001) (proving not necessarily that what kills makes you stronger, but that it most assuredly makes one -hell-of-a-great story!) ; 2001Annual Conference, North Carolina Defense Lawyers Association
Keynote Speaker, 2nd International CIP Conference, Complex Interactive Processes (CIP) Institute, international business performance think tank, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 3, 2015, speaking on High Reliability Organizing and the New View of Human Performance* and the critical interactive role of legal counsel in advising an organization undergoing crisis.
Keynote Speaker, 2001 Annual Conference, North Carolina Defense Lawyers Association; Keynote Speaker, 2nd International CIP Conference, Complex Interactive Processes (CIP) Institute, international business performance think tank, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2015, speaking on High Reliability Organizing and the New View of Human Performance* and the critical interactive role of legal counsel in advising an organization undergoing crisis.
High Reliability Organizing and the New View of Human Performance are complementary disciplines which have emerged from the leaps in organizational health and safety performance achieved by the civilian nuclear industry and commercial aviation respectively. The principles and practices of these disciplines have revolutionized organizational performance worldwide, and have allowed the commercial airline industry to reach a level of safety performance far beyond Six Sigma (an error rate of 1:10,000), to attain a safety performance rate of 1:26,000,000, and have helped organizations across the globe achieve dramatic improvements in safety, productivity and profitability.
Lizard Brains & Blame, an article on why, after a huge trial loss or horrible disaster, we focus on blame rather than the productive work of improving systems that will assure higher long-term performance, and with respect to a huge trial loss, how to take it for what it is: a natural risk of taking a highly dangerous case to trial,
Homelessness and Crime, Comprehensive review of issues involving homelessness, homeless services, and strategies for reducing crime while respecting the rights of the homeless, City of Miami Beach, September 24, 2017.
Development Needs a Rebuilt Process, Commentary on Winners and Losers in the Real Estate Development Process, The Raleigh News & Observer, p. 11-A, June 25, 2001.
North Carolina’s Strange Relationship with Lunacy Continues – Williamson v. Liptzin Reversed!, Rx for Risk – The American Psychiatric Association-Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Program Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 3, Summer 2001.
When Psychiatric Patients Go on Shooting Sprees, Psychiatrists Reach for Smelling Salts: A recent North Carolina jury verdict gives good reason to keep a supply of those smelling salts on hand, Rx for Risk – The American Psychiatric Association-Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Program Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 3, Summer 1999.
Defense of Traumatic Brain Injury Cases, Detailed analysis of recommended approaches for lawyers and claim handlers. Insurance Claim Professional Seminar Materials, Anderson, Campbell & Laugesen Claims Seminar, October 1993.
Federal Regulation and the Design of the Automobile, Graduate-level written work for law school credit in the Art History Department, UNC-CH, Edson Armi, Ph.D., Professor, Spring 1987.
No Trace Camping, An Instructional Video on Low Impact Camping Methods, Produced in Cooperation with Philmont Scout Ranch and the U.S. Forest Service – Writing, directing, producing and talent roles in instructional video used for 15 years at Philmont Scout Ranch, Summer 1984.
An American Art Deco Skyscraper: The Building for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company by Shreve and Lamb, Architects, Art History Department, UNC-CH, Edson Armi, Ph.D., Professor, Spring 1983.
Racial Segregation in Campus Housing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, History and Policy, Honors Thesis in the Political Science Department, UNC-CH, Jeffrey Obler, Ph.D., Professor, Spring 1983.
Production Industry Council – Miami Beach, Florida, Advisory council to the Miami Beach City Commission on issues related to film, music, and special events (March 2021 – Present)
Graduate, Miami Design Preservation League Tour Guide School – Certified graduate of MDPL’s educational program on the historic architecture of Miami Beach, demonstrating proficiency in architectural design, Miami Beach history, and history and impact of the MDPL (November 9, 2015)
Chairman, Appearance Commission – Raleigh, North Carolina, Advisory commission to Raleigh Planning Department and City Council concerning enhancement of visual quality and aesthetic character of Raleigh; elected Chairman after one year; during five-years as Chairman, transformed the Commission from paper tiger to powerful leader in fostering high-quality, sustainable greenfield and infill development during Raleigh’s critical transformative growth period.
Greatest achievement: With unique blend of talents, relationships with City governmental leaders and unparalleled credibility, rescued highly flawed preliminary design of a show-piece project for restoration of Fayetteville Street, to its former glory as the State’s finest thoroughfare, after its 25 years as a pedestrian mall, delivering a final design that was carried out and universally praised as first-class (Appointed July 1998; Chairman, July 1999 – June 2004)
President, Alumni Property Corporation of Alpha Sigma of Chi Psi Fraternity – Chapel Hill, North Carolina Primary property manager for the Chi Psi Lodge, a large, 4-acre showplace historic residential property in the heart of Chapel Hill, arguably the finest collegiate fraternity property in the United States; supervised building and grounds maintenance; 1998 – 2002, planned, raised funds, managed and implemented superlative $750,000 building and grounds renovation (Board Member, 1995 – 2007; President, 1996 – 2007)
Researcher, and Writer – Miami Beach Crime Prevention and Awareness Group – Researched and wrote to the group on the intersection of homelessness and crime. Working with the City of Miami Beach homeless services organization to advocate for policies that worked to the benefit of the homeless and to the City of Miami Beach (2016-2019)
Chairman, Neighborhood Plan Task Force – Cameron Park Neighborhood National Historic District, Raleigh, North Carolina – Held leading role in enormously challenging, 10-year-long major neighborhood rezoning and planning effort; successfully forged neighborhood consensus on all issues, working with City Planning Staff and City Counsel to implement a final, comprehensive rezoning solution (2003 – 2013)
Member, Cameron Park Neighborhood Development Committee – Raleigh, North Carolina – Part of neighborhood group reviewing development plans within and adjoining the neighborhood, working with developers to maximize outcomes for the benefit of developers and neighborhood (2012-2014)
Member, Tree Conservation Task Force – Advisory panel for the City of Raleigh appointed by City Council to investigate tree preservation and conservation issues with a special focus on development of enabling legislation and an ordinance for the conservation of trees in the City of Raleigh (2002 – 2004)
Member, Livable Streets Task Force and Council Advisory Committee – Advisory panel for the City of Raleigh appointed by City Council to develop a plan to revitalize downtown Raleigh, with special emphasis on Fayetteville Street, Raleigh’s main street, redesign (2002 – 2004)
Member, Alpha Sigma Alumni Advisory Board – Advisory board to the undergraduate membership and coordinator of alumni relations for Chi Psi Fraternity alumni at Chapel Hill (Since 2008)
Chairman, Cameron Park Neighborhood Park and Tree Committee – Ongoing administration of planning, maintenance and safety of the four public parks within the Cameron Park Neighborhood; continued work with City of Raleigh parks officials, neighbors and community volunteers on quarterly work days and ad hoc projects; supervised creation and implementation of major park redevelopment plan (Member since 1997; Chairman since 1998)
Legislative Liaison, Wiley International Magnet School PTA, Raleigh, North Carolina (2000 – 2003)
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