HM&B Secures Final Summary Judgment for Big Box Retailer

John Doe v. Big Box Retailer

Circuit Court in and for Miami Dade County, Florida

Plaintiff alleges he was injured when he fell while pushing a shopping cart due to defective carpeting. Mr. Doe claimed that the Big Box Retailer failed to maintain the store in a reasonable safe condition by allowing the carpet to be defective. However, Mr. Doe and his attorneys were unable to present any evidence to show how the carpet was defective, or that the Big Box Retailer knew or should have known about it. Plaintiff later attempted to argue that the shopping cart may have been defective, but such argument also failed for the same reason. The Court found no evidence to show that there was a dangerous condition that the Big Box Retailer knew or should have known about and granted our client’s Motion for Final Summary Judgment. The Motion was argued by Stephanie H. Vo.