Gina Jacobs Selected as OJCC Certified Scholar

We are pleased to announce that HMB Law’s Gina Jacobs, who leads the Firm’s Workers’ Compensation department, has been selected as a 2025 Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims (OJCC) Certified Scholar under the auspices of judges led by the Honorable David Langham, Florida’s Deputy Chief Judge of Compensation Claims. The OJCC maintains the adjudication system for the resolution of disputed Workers’ Compensation claims. For Gina and her group of Workers’ Compensation professionals (pictured here), it will be an amazing opportunity to learn, share ideas, and collaborate as they accept the baton and commit to the future of the profession as emerging leaders. The group will graduate in April 2025 at the Florida Bar Workers’ Compensation Forum. Please join us in congratulating Gina on being selected for this program in its inaugural year.